

  • What makes Calum Richardson different from other hospitality business coaches?

    Calum’s extensive experience in the hospitality sector, combined with his unique journey from the Royal Navy to owning a multi-award-winning business, sets him apart. He’s not just teaching theory; he’s sharing proven, practical methods that have made his own business a resounding success.

  • What can I expect in the 90-day Forked Up programme?

    During the 90-day programme, you will have unlimited access to Calum for coaching sessions, opportunities to personally shadow him, full business audits, and exclusive training modules. You’ll also be able to network with other business owners and receive accountability to ensure you’re on track. The programme is designed to be value-packed, BS-free, and full of real-world, tested strategies.

  • How does the money-back guarantee work?

    Calum is confident in the value of the Forked Up 90 programme. If, after fully participating, you feel the programme hasn’t delivered on its promises, you can discuss the terms of the money-back guarantee. Specific details will be provided upon signing up.

  • Who is the Chef's Table for?

    The Chef’s Table programme is an advanced 12-month journey for those who have completed the Forked Up 90 programme. It’s designed to build on what you’ve learned in the initial 90 days, taking your business and personal growth to even greater heights. Admission is by invitation only, ensuring it’s the right fit for you and the other members.

  • How do the unlimited online coaching sessions work?

    Once you’re signed up to Forked Up 90, you’ll have the opportunity to book one-on-one online coaching sessions with Calum as frequently as you need. These sessions are designed to tackle specific challenges, hold you accountable and ensure you’re making the best progress possible.

  • How does Forked Up differ from other online business coaching programmes?

    Forked Up 90 is uniquely tailored for the hospitality industry. While there are many online business coaching programs out there, none are as specialised or backed by a Hospitality Coach of Calum Richardson’s calibre. The program incorporates Calum’s years of expertise, ensuring a coaching experience that stands apart.